News from St. Mary's By-The-Sea - November 2022

What an exciting summer this was at St. Mary’s: returning ministers, new ministers, a hymn sing with an opera-trained officiant, and the Sunday service highlighting talented Fenwick residents. All this happened due to many volunteers.  Special thanks to Ginny Frelinghuysen who led our cleaning crew, Kim Gilhool who handles special events, Pooh Schmitt who organized flower donations, Sarah Chase who produced the resident service, our new very enthusiastic organist Daniel Kurpaska, and Daryl and his crew.

Our next event is the Carol Sing on December 23rd, 2022 at 5pm.

This has been a year of maintenance work: 

The roof on the west side of the building was re-shingled and the original wires and some electrical fixtures have been replaced and brought up to code. 

The book which has recorded events at the church since its inception has been digitized and now the original is in the Fenwick archives.

St. Mary’s will soon have a presence on the Fenwick website where the digitized book will be available and the summer service schedule will be posted. 

We are fortunate to have had some generous benefactors over the years that have made these projects possible.

St. Mary’s Memorial Garden is open to all Fenwick residents past and present and others with permission of the trustees.  Applications are available at the Borough office.

We are happy to announce Ginny Frelinghuysen as our new trustee. She replaces Peter Bulkeley who has retired after 75 years of serving as a trustee but remains St. Mary’s resident historian!

Best wishes,

Ethel Davis, Ginny Frelinghuysen & Duby McDowell

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