Inland Wetlands

The Planning and Zoning Commission has been designated as the Inland Wetland Agency for the Borough. When work is being done in an inland wetland or watercourse, or within 25’ of an inland wetland or watercourse, application must be made to the IWA for an inland wetlands permit. Regulated activities include any operation within, or use of, a wetland or watercourse involving removal or deposition of material, or any obstruction, construction, alteration or pollution, of such wetlands or watercourses. This includes clearing, grubbing, filling, grading, paving, excavating, constructing, depositing or removing of material and discharging of storm water on the land within 25 feet measured horizontally from the boundary of any wetland or watercourse unless the Agency deems the activity exempt based on specific criteria identified in the Regulations. Additionally, when an application to the Planning and Zoning Commission involves an activity regulated by Inland Wetlands, P&Z cannot act until it receives a report with IWA’s final decision.

A map delineating the general location and boundaries of inland wetlands is available in the Office.