P&Z Notice of Decision 3/9/2022


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Borough of Fenwick Planning and Zoning Commission took the following actions at a Special Meeting held on March 9, 2022:

  1. Proposed amendments to the Zoning Regulations to add new Section 4.2.5 relative to uses allowed under state law (approved effective April 1, 2022) and new Section 4.2.6 to opt out of the provisions of Section 6, subsections (a) through (d), inclusive, of Public Act 21-29 relative to accessory apartments (approved effective May 1, 2022 contingent on Board of Warden and Burgesses approval), and to delete Section 5.2.1 relative to minimum first floor living area (approved effective April 1, 2022). 
  2. Borough of Fenwick Affordable Housing Plan.  Approved.
  3. ZSP22-001 102A Sequassen Avenue, map 11, lot 18.  Brooke Girty, applicant, Frank Sciame, Jr., owner; Site Plan and Coastal Site Plan application to add 11’x17’ porch, enclose existing porch, roof and enclose existing deck, move septic system.  Approved with stipulations.
  4. ZSP22-002 16 Fenwick Avenue, map 10, lot 54.  Brooke Girty, applicant, Andrea Jones, owner; Site Plan and Coastal Site Plan application to enclose existing porch; add garage bay, north porch, generator, ac units, underground propane tank; revise driveway.  Approved with stipulations.

Dated at Borough of Fenwick, Connecticut this 9th day of March, 2022.

Charles M. Chadwick, Chairman
Planning & Zoning Commission