Hepburn Family Preserve Living Shoreline Project - December 15 Update

tide ebbs to reveal rock sills

Dear Fenwick Friends and Neighbors, 

The restoration of Fenwick’s Hepburn Family Preserve continues as we head toward year-end.

Since our last email update on Friday, Nov. 13th, progress has included stone placements for all remaining rock sills, as well as, placement of rounded cobble stone on sill slopes. An additional 400 tons of marsh sand and 55 tons of more rounded cobble stone have also been delivered. At the project area’s east end, erosion protections have been placed in advance of building that end of the dune.     

A storm on November 30th provided data to inform design considerations. Thanks to this real-world info, adjustments including more robust connections between sills on the west end will improve dissipation of wave energy and further mitigate future coastal storms’ erosive effects. The LPLT working group will appeal to permitters to alter expectations of cobble stone draping on the Sound-side of the rock sills. The storm demonstrated this design element will not hold-up under normal wave action.

They expect to complete the living shoreline in February through March, and to schedule dune and marsh plantings for early spring.

To give toward ensuring the project’s completion, please visit: https://www.ctriver.org/hepburn/  Your gift will be matched by the $20,000 Restoration Challenge offered by one of your generous Fenwick neighbors. Every gift will have a lasting and meaningful impact! Thank you to everyone who has already responded to support the project.

With gratitude and best wishes for year-end,



Brett T. Morrison
Associate Director of Development
Connecticut River Conservancy (CRC)

To make a cash gift to the $20,000 Hepburn Restoration Challenge: https://www.ctriver.org/hepburn/

To make a gift appreciated stocks or securities, please call or email for instructions:
Brett at (802) 375-4519 or bmorrison@ctriver.org