Borough News from the Desk of the Warden

Borough News from the Desk of the Warden
July 31, 2020

Briefly, I have a few items I would like to bring to the attention of residents as the summer season hits the halfway point:

  • COVID:  As it often has over past 150 years, the Borough has provided many of us with comfortable escape since the virus first arrived in March: the Fenwick Bubble. To date, it appears the community has been successful in keeping the virus from penetrating the Borough. We all have an inherent interest keeping it that way for as long as possible. Many of the aspects we all love about Fenwick – intimate community, intergenerational living, the feeling of the outside world disappearing - are the very things that make our community vulnerable to the spread. I urge everyone to refresh themselves with the CT guidelines on CoVid safety and protocols. We are lucky here in Fenwick. There are so many ways to enjoy each other in socially responsible ways; outdoors, distanced. Let’s continue to keep gatherings small, limit external guests and get tested regularly.
  • More COVID: Importantly, as the calendar switches from July to August, some of our homes will be transitioning to new families and guests. Please make sure all in your household are aware of the Governor’s Executive Order # 7III ( ) regarding mandatory 14 day self-quarantine of travelers arriving from states with high COVID infection rates.
  • Beach Umbrellas: When leaving the beach after the last lifeguard (5pm), please lower the beach umbrella under which you were sitting. Or if you happen to wander by on a walk and see unattended raised umbrellas late in the day, please take them down. Umbrellas left open overnight is a chronic problem that ultimately results in them being broken or otherwise lost in a windstorm.
  • Golf Cart Flags: As a reminder, the new Fenwick golf cart flags are available for purchase ($10). I encourage all to buy one and affix it to your cart. The flag is helpful to the new beach and park monitors, as well as other residents, to quickly distinguish a resident cart from a non-resident cart. Please contact Pam Christensen (203.921.9997) if interested. Additionally, and also helpful, Borough of Fenwick car windshield stickers are available in the Borough office and they are free. Please call the office if interested.
  • Property Taxes: All Borough property taxes are due no later than Monday. Penalties begin to accrue Tuesday. If your bill is still outstanding, please bring it to the office by Monday.
  • Golf Carts: Golf carts are to be operated ONLY by those who hold a valid driver’s license. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS. Please do not allow your young teens to drive a cart, especially at night. As well, all Borough residents driving carts on Borough roads must adhere to the stop signs, etc.

Please feel free to contact me (  with any questions or concerns. Thank you and I hope everyone has a fantastic second half of the summer.


Newton C. Brainard III, Warden
Borough of Fenwick